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Monster Man
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:03 am  Reply with quote
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Yeah. I had to create it. Being that most everyone here disagree's with bush but likes republicans, i tthought it would be interesting to hear.
Dont be pansies and argue and call names, or i will break your kneecaps.

Here's the deal for you blind people. About 11 million immigrants in America are here illegally. And a basic rundown is that Republicans want them gone to their own country to apply for a green card or maybe give them a small time work permit, which is the correct thing to do being that they arrived here illegally, dont pay taxes, and spread crime (It's true, dont deny it. Gangs of illegal mexicans and cubans have spread) And the fact that they all drive without licenses and when they get into an accident they plead that they'll pay you back but then you finally realize that they're screwed so you call the cops anyway.
Democats want them to have the jackpot. Want to give away, I THINK, 300,000 or something like that greencards away. I'm not real sure about that, i just heard it on CNN and you know how trustfull the news is. But the point is, Democrats want to keep these 11 million illegals. Why, im not sure.

Everything a top is what I have gotten so far. It all could be wrong, i could get it backwards. Just wait for more input.

All i know that my friend had one year left until she would get her greencard. She was living under her Dads Visa until his business cancelled it. So now they're in Australia. They waited in line to get it. They paid their taxes, they worked. They learned English and spoke Cantonese in private. They were going to be true American citizens. Yet, fate upon them, said otherwise. But these illegals think they can skip it all? Here's something from a myspace... i dont usually do it, but i thought it was interesting to see how teens think. Illegals think they should be treated like everyone else and given the same rights. Why? Why should THEY be skipped ahead in the process?

More than 36,000 students from throughout Los Angeles County, California skipped classes and marched through streets and on various freeways Monday, March 27, 2006, to protest an immigration bill being debated in Congress. "We may be illegal immigrants, but we are human," Metropolitan High School senior Melania Preciado said as she waved a Mexican flag. "We deserve the same rights as everyone else, not be treated like criminals." What an ironic statement.

If we all went to Mexico...would we be treated as humans?? (Think of all your friends who have driven down to Mexico for a weekend trip and were either thrown in jail for looking at the Mexican police the wrong way, or were pulled over for no apparent reason and FORCED to pay off the Mexican police in order NOT to be thrown in jail)...

1. Try driving around as a Gringo in Mexico with no

liability insurance, and have an accident.

2. Enter MEXICO illegally - never mind immigration quotas,

visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

3. Once there, demand that the local government provide

free medical care for you and your entire family.

4. Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

5. Demand free bilingual local government forms,

bulletins, etc.

6. Speak only English at home and in public and insist

that your children do likewise.

7. Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican

school system.

8. Demand a local Mexican drivers license. This will

afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your

unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.

9. Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English

to all its officers.

Good luck!

It will not happen in Mexico nor any other country

in the world...except right here in the United States...

Land of those who want to take care of everyone,

except American Citizens!

These "student" protesters, haven't the slightest clue as to what the hell is really going on. They just want an excuse to leave school. What a disgrace to AMERICA, our country!

If you're going to wave a Mexican flag to support your heritage, fine... Just make sure there is an American one next to it...the land that gives to all of its immigrants, and you. IF Mexico is SOOOOO great - Why leave it and come to America? Think about it! Mexico isn't giving their people what they deserve, and that's why they want to be here in America. What is Mexico really doing for its people, other than making them desparate to leave? This is not about people coming to America...just come legally, so the legal system, education, medical, housing, etc., can operate more smoothly and fair for those who are citizens, and those who long to be.

I say, First give my friend a greencard who has been waiting 7 or so years for it, with one year left. Instead of giving these damn ****ing illegal immigrants one after they've only been here less than 5. Make them work for it like every American had to.

Yeah, long post. But touchy thread.

Foxtrot wrote:
Menace wrote:
[Fox]Namralkeeg , [Fox]keeg !

Those bots will never be on the server nor care about the server's running.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:35 am  Reply with quote
Forum H4xor
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I totally agree with you MM. Roughly about 70% of the violance in my town is caused by "hispaics" and im not sure how much of them are illegal. Than they complain how we steryotype them for being bad, and demand equal rights. If they want equal rights they need to tell thier "ese's" to stop.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:56 am  Reply with quote
Forum Sniper
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dude im more worry about me, i have permanent resident alien cards, and ive been trying to become american citizen. but man i have to wait a long time. those other immigrant that are here illegal should be boot it out no matter what. Im wainting in line to become a citizen now i have to wait longer because this illegal bull s**t. now my paper work will to be post poned. WTF you illegal BASTARD!!!!!!


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:27 pm  Reply with quote
Forum Soldier
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Being of Latin descent myself, I want to clarify something. You cannot label everyone as "hispanic" and that we call our friends "eses". I am Spainish from Spain, there are Brazilians, Argentinians,Mexicans, and so on. None of these Latin peoples are the same as the other. So, if Mexicans have a tendency to do something, or talk a certain way, we don't all do that Good Idea (nor do all Mexicans) I just wanted to clear that up before I post Very Happy .

In Canada, we are required by Law to have everything available in English and French, so there is an example of Bilingual services that are available in another nation.

As for the topic of immigration, I agree with Monster Man. If someone is entering the country illegally, and another is "paying their dues", that is an unfair situation for those that are honest. It is true that the highest demographic for illegal entries are Mexicans, but no wonder when you look at the geography. This is fact. There are only a finite amount of jobs, and having jobs taken up by any illegal immigrant, takes a placement away from a newly inducted citizen, who then, by law, must be supported by the state until a job can be found.

My parents entered canada and it took them over 30 years to become citizens, before that they were classified as "permanent residents" with the same rights as everyone else, they just could not vote. they had to earn that right, and to think that some people can hop the border in any nation, they don't realize how they upset the "balance" of the system in place, which supports the number that they allow in, the only number of people the government knows about on paper.

I do realize that some people are living in destitution or oppression, but the situation in whatever nation that is will not change if everyone "runs away".

So to conclude, if others can make it in life by following the law, so should everyone else. This is a rampant problem in the United States, and if someone entered that country illegally, i'm sorry, but don't be surprised if you are shown the door, even though there are very hard working illegal immigrants, but the law is the law.

"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."
-George Bush
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:29 pm  Reply with quote
Forum H4xor
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Joined: 30 Nov 2004
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Location: Raleigh, NC

I'll leave my feelings short and sweet:
Illegal immigrants are horrible because they are here illegally and because of that don't pay taxes and send alot of their money out of the US.
Illegal immigrants are useful because they pick up alot of the jobs people in our society are too stuck up to do.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:36 pm  Reply with quote
Forum Scout
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Joined: 03 Jun 2005
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this is a touchy subject for me seeing that I life in Texas. Fox has been handing out flyers to his mexican citizens telling them the ways that they can get into america illegally. The mexican army has been found 10 miles across our boarder in Larado. Right now the mexican army is helping the drug lords in Larado rule the roost on both sides of the border. I hate the fact that my children are being forced to learn spanish in school because half of the class is hispanic. I was given the choice in school of what language I wanted, my 6 year old was being taught in kindergarten!!!!!!!!!

There are a lot of illegals in central texas along the I-35 corridor and I have had severl friends get into car wrecks with them that have no drivers license and no insurance, call the police they go to jail and get fined, friends either have to pony up the cash to fix there cars complete or pay a small deductable, either way for being an American citizen they are getting the short end of the stick. I understand that they are hard workers and cheap labor but it is the business's that hire them that need to be atacked( hire 2 illegals for the price of an American). I have a friend in the construction business that has a hard time getting work because these business's say they only want hispanics because they work twice as hard twice as long and dont ask when pay day is.

I am sorry but what ever happend to putting family first then work second. I tell you what it is it is GREED from business owners to corporations to Politicians, all they want is more so until we can weed out the corrupt washington politicians then I really see no end to the illegal immigration issue at hand, why kick a gift(greed) horse in the mouth.

"disclamer" "this is soley my opinion mixed with some facts"

Angry American
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Controlled Chaos
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:27 pm  Reply with quote
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I share most of the felings posted here.

Yea they may be hard working and take the jobs that some people want but they also work very carelessly as well. I dont know if anyone is familiar with what happened here in Boston when a piece of scaffolding fell off a building and crushed a man in a car killing him. The scaffolding was being used by a mason company with hires mostly illegals. The illegals cut corners and have no concern for safe working conditions. This scaffolding was built by these mason illegals and was very unsafe. I know this beacuse my father was working on this job until a week before this happened.

Me being in the construction industry I have had some contact with illegals and for most part I have noticed that they dont resepect themselves or others when it comes to safety. I have had concrete blocks just miss my head after being dropped 2 stories from the side of a building. Yea sure work hard but at least be safe about it.

Now we come to the fact that they are here illegal. Key word here is illegal. They come here illegally beacuse their country is so bad or they are looking for a better future. I say do it the right way and come here legally and if they dont want to do that then figure out what is making your country so bad and do something to fix it. There has been many instances of countries having a revolution over a corupt goverment maybe take notes? The people that made this great country called America came here and made it into some thing that they wanted by any means. Years and years of blood shed, nation wide turmoil, unrest within its own people, as well as peaceful resovle.

They come here illegally and then fly their banners stateing their pride for their country. What kind of pride is that? running from your homeland pride?

My friend came here over 16 years ago from Ireland. He did it the legal way. Having to prove that he was willing to be an integral part of the working society. It took him that many years before he was elligibale to take his test to become a American citizen.

basically to sum it up. Sure you can come here but do it legally, and those that do it illeagally should be treated as criminals beacuse that is what you are when you break a law. A criminal.


Forever Standing United!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:35 pm  Reply with quote
Forum H4xor
Forum H4xor

Joined: 26 Feb 2005
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Location: East Coast - New Jersey

I could care less if they become legal or not, TBH. Get them on the tax rolls and let them pay their way, is one way to minimize how the entire population has to carry them in our social programs (schooling, health care, etc)
What I DO care about is........
Go ahead, read it. In NJ alone, we offer our driving test in 10 LANGUAGES!!!

WTF !!!!!

If you cant read the test, how the F&^K can you read the street signs? Or menus? Or anything else like a job application????

Here, my glorious state bends over backwards to provide a nice warm, comfy feeling for people that cant even understand the printed word of our country. You go to Europe, or Asia, or anywhere they cater to English speaking people? Answer.....NO !!!! So why do we have to bend over and take it up the keister for everyone else?

Think New Jersey is alone? Go check the California DMV site......why, you too can view the entire site in 'espanol', just for the clicking. Hmmm, wonder who paid for the conversion......was it the illegal aliens or "Joe Taxpayer"?

New York......21 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!!! edit.....MM, I had to edit the link as it made you scroll to the right, like 4 pages over. =)

America is indeed the melting pot, and has all through its history, accepted every nationality, creed and color. But, you can bet your sweet ass, our ancestors conformed to their "new country".....they didnt demand the country conform to them !!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

LEARN THE LANGUAGE OR GET THE F&^K OUT !!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Last edited by Toughsox on Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:49 pm; edited 2 times in total


Dont mistake my kindness as a sign of weakness!!!!
Offense doesn't win matches.......big friggin' guns do !!! Ole' Painless FTW !!!
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Monster Man
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:36 pm  Reply with quote
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And these protesters are really annoying me at those rallies. I see all these highschool kids, who are wearing bandana's and showing their ass off while walking across the street blocking my way to work b/c they have belts and when they see me they get all pissed off and yell at me, waving their stupid flags. Maybe it's because i'm honking at them. *shrugs* It's a surpise they actually understand a honk.
And, Yes, i love to watch Cspan (the good ones where it's politics.. but not the senate s**t, that's boring). I see these rallies. These mexicans speaking spanish, trying to rally them up. Okay, who are they trying to rally... themselves or the government? Sure, you can get a lot of mexicans to yell (who cant?) But Congress is the one you have to impress. Now, on your way illegally to america, leaving on your trail to here in the desert with used beer bottles (hundreds), marijuana, clothes, backpacks, and little girl panties is probably not the best way to get congress and real americans to get your way into America.
They are aliens... they need to be treated differently. Not morally or disrespectful, but legally treated differently. They dont belong here. I dont care if they say "We might be illegal, but we're human" Yeah? So are the people in south america and canada... why dont you go to them? The American public obviously doesnt want mexicans here. They ruin a lot. Yes, i know a few good ones, but the majority sucks. I say, they march back to their own ****ing country and wait in line.

Edit: damn toughy, fix your post heh.

And i think this is funny off that NJ dmv site...
*If you are unable to take a knowledge test in your native language, you may use an approved interpreter* - ... so they don tunderstand their own language?

Foxtrot wrote:
Menace wrote:
[Fox]Namralkeeg , [Fox]keeg !

Those bots will never be on the server nor care about the server's running.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:38 pm  Reply with quote
Forum Soldier
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CORRAN wrote:

In Canada, we are required by Law to have everything available in English and French, so there is an example of Bilingual services that are available in another nation.

He meant where English and French weren the official languages of the state. IE ... spanish isnt an official language of the US

Monster Man wrote:
Democats want them to have the jackpot. Want to give away, I THINK, 300,000 or something like that greencards away. I'm not real sure about that, i just heard it on CNN and you know how trustfull the news is. But the point is, Democrats want to keep these 11 million illegals. Why, im not sure.

The reason being is that the time it takes to Re-issue all 11 million greencards after rounding up and deporting them is simply put, impossible. Perhaps they forgot to tell the public how many landscape companies, McDonalds, factories, contractors, etc... that would go out of business during this repeat of "Project Wetback". Regardless of the fact that employing illegals is in fact illegal in itself, deporting all of them will creating a gap in the lower levels of commerce. Im not exactly clear on how the republicans plan on rounding up and deporting all of the illegals or how they would go about letting them back in ... Unless both of those steps were completed in less than a month the economy would nosedive straight into the ground.

*Just looking back and reading this post made me realize how easy the Republicans can slander the Democrat's plan of action on this issue in the press.


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Monster Man
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:30 pm  Reply with quote
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RS wrote:

The reason being is that the time it takes to Re-issue all 11 million greencards after rounding up and deporting them is simply put, impossible.

Sad i said 300,000 greencards.

But yeah, the republicans can butcher the democrats against this issue.. yet the democrats have the repubs by the throat with the iraq war, which will not be discussed in this thread. Make another ^__^

Foxtrot wrote:
Menace wrote:
[Fox]Namralkeeg , [Fox]keeg !

Those bots will never be on the server nor care about the server's running.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:34 pm  Reply with quote
Forum H4xor
Forum H4xor

Joined: 25 Nov 2004
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Location: Eugene, Oregon

I agree with most everything here. It's easy enough to whine and moan about being accepting, and loving to all people, letting everyone in, but America is a country, not a theme park.

Yeah, the immigration process to America is really tough and time-consuming. Should it be a bit quicker/easier? Absolutely. The red tape surrounding legal immigration is what brings about most of the illegal immigration. Yeah, being poor in Mexico would suck, and I totally get that they're trying to make their lives better, but they're violating laws in the process. Rather then walling our country off, a simplification and lower pricing of the legal immigration process would help loads. It's a beaurocratic nightmare, but so are most government processes.


(dead)-[CfH]-Server Admin but--- because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:01 pm  Reply with quote
Forum Soldier
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Bonsai wrote:
dude im more worry about me, i have permanent resident alien cards, and ive been trying to become american citizen. but man i have to wait a long time. those other immigrant that are here illegal should be boot it out no matter what. Im wainting in line to become a citizen now i have to wait longer because this illegal bull s**t. now my paper work will to be post poned. WTF you illegal BASTARD!!!!!!

MOVE TO CANADA BONSAI, we will be happy to have you.

as for this whole deal I will not reall y way in on it, other than saying; people like monsterman are a hair away from being raceist. BUT, being here in canada we are also eager to hand out a paycheck to some one from another country, but have a hard time doing the same for our own.

this also being said, we can really inrich the country with foriegn food and beliefs.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:13 pm  Reply with quote
Forum H4xor
Forum H4xor

Joined: 25 Nov 2004
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Location: Eugene, Oregon

Mexican food does kick so much ass.
Cinco De Mayo.... not so much


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:25 pm  Reply with quote
Forum Soldier
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Joined: 02 Aug 2005
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CORRAN wrote:
Being of Latin descent myself, I want to clarify something. You cannot label everyone as "hispanic" and that we call our friends "eses". I am Spainish from Spain, there are Brazilians, Argentinians,Mexicans, and so on. None of these Latin peoples are the same as the other. So, if Mexicans have a tendency to do something, or talk a certain way, we don't all do that Good Idea (nor do all Mexicans) I just wanted to clear that up before I post Very Happy .

In Canada, we are required by Law to have everything available in English and French, so there is an example of Bilingual services that are available in another nation.

As for the topic of immigration, I agree with Monster Man. If someone is entering the country illegally, and another is "paying their dues", that is an unfair situation for those that are honest. It is true that the highest demographic for illegal entries are Mexicans, but no wonder when you look at the geography. This is fact. There are only a finite amount of jobs, and having jobs taken up by any illegal immigrant, takes a placement away from a newly inducted citizen, who then, by law, must be supported by the state until a job can be found.

My parents entered canada and it took them over 30 years to become citizens, before that they were classified as "permanent residents" with the same rights as everyone else, they just could not vote. they had to earn that right, and to think that some people can hop the border in any nation, they don't realize how they upset the "balance" of the system in place, which supports the number that they allow in, the only number of people the government knows about on paper.

I do realize that some people are living in destitution or oppression, but the situation in whatever nation that is will not change if everyone "runs away".

So to conclude, if others can make it in life by following the law, so should everyone else. This is a rampant problem in the United States, and if someone entered that country illegally, i'm sorry, but don't be surprised if you are shown the door, even though there are very hard working illegal immigrants, but the law is the law.

well said
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